Monday, November 3, 2014

Marathon season

Welcome to marathon season!  I hope everyone's training and first races are going well!  Adding foam rolling to your training routine on a regular basis really helps with recovery.  Also, there is talk of tart cherry juice aiding in recovery.  It's mainly the anti-oxidants from the cherries.

Here's a link to the no meat athlete's blog, he tested it out.

I have one race under my belt for the run season so far.  I tried something new (for me) and didn't wear my Garmin and wore a stop watch instead to keep track of my miles.  I wanted to see how truly dependent on my Garmin I am to pace myself.  Well… I found out fairly dependent.  My goal for this training season is to not depend on my watch so much.  Do you train with a gps watch?  Do you use it more as a guide or do you depend on it for pacing?

Happy training!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Food and training energy sources

I have been using Tailwind for about a year now.  It's my go to training nutrition.  It's all I take with me.   Before a long workout I estimate how many calories I'll burn and bring about 100-200 less of that amount in Tailwind with me.  It dissolves even in cold water quickly.  I have tried all of their flavors and love every one of them.  If I had to pick a favorite I think it would be the plain or orange.

I received this book for my birthday…

Feed Zone Portables

I've tried the pizza rolls… yum!  And made the blueberry and also the cherry chocolate sticky balls.  Yum yum!!  I usually just use Tailwind on long workouts, but I think I'm going to try the sticky balls on my long run this weekend.  I'm really looking forward to it! They are sweet but salty and it's like having a dessert on your run.  :)

I haven't tried the recipes below yet, but they look like a very tasty and refreshing way to recover after a workout.

Frozen Treats to Keep You Cool

We are about halfway through the triathlon season.  I hope everyone is having a great season so far!!

Happy Training!
Coach Angy

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Woodlands Marathon

Coach and Mary both did The Woodlands half marathon a couple of weeks ago. The start of the race was about 70 degrees with 100% humidity. Not your ideal conditions. Both Aloha Multisport athlete toughed it out and had a good race! Coach had a PR and Mary had a very strong race!!

On another note about 2-3 months ago I switched up my long run and race day nutrition. Instead of using gels, salt tablets (for warmer days), and water I now only use Tailwind Endurance Fuel. It's organic and I can mix multiple scoops in a bottle without it being too sweet or the flavor being too strong. It makes things so much easier just carrying that on my fuel belt. I usually carry a few fuel belt bottles of Tailwind and at least one bottle of water for my long runs.

Happy training!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Houston Marathon

What a beautiful day in Houston today!!  We don't get many days with weather like this.  Great day for a marathon!

Speaking of… Congratulations to Mary for beating her goal time by about 5 minutes and having a PR at the half today!!  Way to go girl!!  I'm so very proud of you!!